
Hasan-Gilani Scholarship General Information

The Hasan Gilani Scholarship has been established by Professor Syed Eqbal Hasan and Ms. Farrukh Jamal Gilani in memory of their parents for high-achieving Muslim students requiring financial assistance. Applicants must be enrolled or accepted in a degree program at a post-secondary educational institution; and who are residing in, and have graduated from a high school in the Kansas City metropolitan area. Two scholarships will be awarded: (1) $500 to a high school senior who will join a college in fall 2022, and (2) $1,000 to a college student who is already enrolled in a degree program.

Eligibility and Selection Process

  • For college-bound high school seniors who have been accepted in a degree program at a community college, 4-year college, or university: Proof of acceptance must be submitted along with the application.
  • Applicants already pursuing a degree program must submit: (1) a copy of last semester transcript, and (2) proof of continued enrollment for 2022 fall semester.
  • Proof of financial need: a statement clearly explaining basis of financial need, and/or a copy of applicant’s recent income tax return (if employed).
  • Service in local, regional, or national, Islamic, and/or other civic organizations. Letter from the organization head or the supervisor must be emailed/mailed directly to the Scholarship Committee at the above address.
  • An essay on the assigned topic as given in “Application Requirements and Cover Sheet”.
  • Applicants are advised to carefully review the document titled “Application Requirements and Cover Sheet” and submit all required materials by the due date of June 30, 2022.
  • Applications will be evaluated by a committee of judges who will rank all applicants. Final selection will be made by the SMIEC Scholarship Committee who will select the top applicants for the awards.